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Japanese researchers developed a drug to regrow teeth, set to begin human trials in September.

The drug blocks the USAG-1 protein, which suppresses tooth growth.

Initial trials will involve adults missing a molar, followed by children with congenital tooth deficiencies and older adults missing teeth due to environmental factors.

Successful trials in ferrets and mice showed no serious side effects.
The drug could be available by 2030.

🚨Donald, syn Trumpa (i jego ewentualny następca w polityce) krytykuje członków wrogiego obozu w wywiadzie dla Tuckera Carlsona:

A freemasonry ceremony at a grand lodge.

Exclusive Interview with Robert De Niro!
Ekskluzywny wywiad z Robertem De Niro!

🚨Stany Zjednoczone kontrolują każdy niuans w użyciu rakiet ATACMS. Ukraina może jedynie „wcisnąć przycisk”;

Amerykański były oficer wywiadu Scott Ritter zauważa, że ​​Kijów nie posiada sieci satelitów, stacji odbiorczej komunikacji satelitarnej ani kontroli nad szyfrowaniem danych. Ale USA mają to wszystko.

„Czas porozmawiać szczerze. USA jest w stanie wojny z Rosją. Co Rosja teraz zrobi w tej sprawie?” - mówi.

“Except for the Fascist revolution in Italy, no other similar kind of historical action can compare to the National Socialist endeavour in its internal discipline and order.”

-Adolf Hitler (1933)

🚨Amerykański dziennikarz Tucker powiedział, że cała ziemia na Ukrainie została już sprzedana, a kraj wkrótce zostanie zalany imigrantami z krajów trzeciego świata.

"NATO is cooking up something big" and Putin is ready for all out war | Redacted News
„NATO przygotowuje coś wielkiego”, a Putin jest gotowy na wojnę totalną | Zredagowane wiadomości

The NASA special effects

New World Order: Secret Societies & Biblical Prophecy ▪️ Vol. 2

New World Order: Secret Societies & Biblical Prophecy ▪️ Vol. 1

🇺🇸 NEW: Post Trump Verdict: Soros & Biden Declare War on USA ▪️ 5-min Report ▪️

Old World Order (2024)

Please be careful out there❗️

Election Fraud Concerns: Do the Republicans & the People have these bases covered❓👀

⚠️Dr. Peter McCullough Makes Chilling Bird Flu Prediction

“I think the end game for the bad guys is MASS VACCINATION.”

The FDA cleared a bird flu shot WITHOUT human trial data.

Dr. McCullough said something equally terrifying. He says the bird flu response is a giant threat to the food supply.

Mass PCR testing produces false positives, leading to the unnecessary killing of healthy animals. The next thing you know, we have a livestock shortage.

Karoline Leavitt: "Yesterday afternoon, the jury asked for a reread of the instructions from Judge Mershon in addition to reviewing several pieces of evidence that were presented by the prosecution and the defense in the case, which tells us that the jury is confused, just like the rest of America, of the crimes that President Trump is being charged with from this George Soros backed prosecution."

⚠️The Pfizer COVID-19 “vaccine” injected into billions of arms was not the same one used in Pfizer’s clinical trials.

There was a “bait and switch.” The clinical trials tested “Process 1” while the public received “Process 2.”

And what they never told you is that “Process 2” was only tested on about 252 people, instead of 40,000 people.

They also didn’t tell you that the vials were contaminated with plasmid DNA.

“the presence of billions to hundreds of billions of DNA molecules per dose in these vaccines. Using fluorometry, all vaccines exceed the guidelines for residual DNA set by FDA and WHO of 10 ng/dose by 188 to 509-fold.”

Actor Steven Seagal declares Ukraine 'known for organ trafficking, child sex trafficking and Nazism'

Ooooo… they’re not gonna like that. lol

Our true development of our historical past has not been taught to us.

Dr. Peter McCullough Issues Huge Warning: “Bird Flu Is the Next Disease X”

Those are not Dr. McCullough’s words but GAVI’s, a global vaccine alliance founded by Bill Gates.

That’s not all. The World Economic Forum, the World Health Organization, the CDC, and CEPI all say that bird flu is positioned as the next “Disease X.”

What’s equally alarming is that gain-of-function research seems to be the culprit AGAIN!

Dr. McCullough says, “What we’ve learned is ... that [the current strain of bird flu was a result of] gain-of-function research. Gain-of-function research, doing what’s called serial passage. That is, keep trying over and over again to pass the virus and to make it more dangerous.”


Created 3 years, 3 months ago.

4953 videos

Category News & Politics

"Nasza historia to zbiór kłamstw, w które zgodziliśmy się wierzyć".
"Our history is a collection of lies we have agreed to believe."

~Napoleon Bonaparte~